hotel.the truck and its contents have since been nothing inside &pwwssbelieved to e classiiied. hip hop artist soulja boo is out on bond... after appearing 21-year--ld is facing charges... for marijuana possession and gun charges. pthhr men were stopped by police in ggorgia earlier this week... for a broken taal &pliggt.that's when police foun morr than 5-ounces of more than 40-thousand dollars in caah..he singer had nothing to say in court. the war in iraq e? ending?i'm not diicouragee beccuse we're still in negotiitions with the iraqis" iraqis"how soon the war could be over.. nd why áallá u-s troops won't be coming home. home. ñ> ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 175 map old court map 3 p,3 3 3 3 ssill to come... it seems like everything is going up!froo airfare to stamps for each! eachh(nats) (nats)but first... familles are waiting for theer soldiers to come home from iraq... as the end of the war could be the goverrmnt has ... and the reason why some troops áwon'tá be cooing home with the rest. ((bumm out)) ((bbeak 2)) you're on timeout leo! some thi