cheers and applause] the president shouldn't go to war without this congress approval and have a deck clation. but one thing the president can do, and i would do is that i can end the wars that are undeclared and unconstitutional. [cheers and applause] the commander in chief is in charge of the military. he can direct the military. we can bring them home. and they say well you want to bring them home too fast we don't have enough time. when they want to send them over they get them together and ship them off rather fast. why can't we ship them home just as fast? [cheers and applause] now it's not just in the war zones in the middle east but it's in the occupation of countries that we don't need to be occupying. that is south korea and japan and germany and all these countries in the nearly 900 bases that we have. close them down, bring them home, and very quickly. i mean if we pursue that, we will organize a military some day but you don't do that the first week. just get them home. think how many people would be spending their wages in home rather than the germany economy or the japanese eco