see what has changed dortmund get a little boost yet they're looking up at biron like normal claude boswell and bumped him up to 6 but if the wolves win on monday versus oftentimes they're replaced dorman at 3rd pushing down a handful of teams in the bye. nothing much to report down here it's still so early in the season we can see some drastic changes if these teams pick up point soon except for possible and fortunately. we can finish our look at the weekend but it's a good game without talking about one who's fit in form and on fire robert live in dos he scored his 8th and 9th goals of the season on saturday ali let's start with you his stiff season in the but is this guy just getting better and better or is this the best live in dusty we've ever seen you know it's tempting to say so isn't it when we see him in this kind of form and putting out those kind of numbers it is tending to say how could he ever have been this good before but we do have to remember that he's been 1st class for very long time now and back in the mists of time of course he helped gotten to a new title the move to b