it's the one who is claude shannon? >> guest: the founder of information theory and was the teacher of irwin jacobs, founder of qualcomm. the key insight to that shannon offered was to define information as a surprise. freedom -- intimation with shannon is freedom of choice. the more freedom of choice that the creator had, the more and permission he can convey. and so shannon allows you to put freedom at the very heart of the capitalist economy. not only as a condition for enterprise, but also as a measure of the permission and as a criterion for creativity. so shannon information theory, which is the foundation of all these technologies that we enjoy in, all the information tools that are the heart of world economic growth is based on freedom. that is why freedom fest is a good place to celebrate shannon. >> host: george gilder, we are talking with several economists and people with opinions about the current political situation in america. a couple of the interviews that we have done here, people have expressed concer