Jul 25, 2016
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claudia oceda nos explica.ublicana donald trump estÁ explicando lo que dijo y lo que querÍa decir. trump le dijo al programa meet the press que su discurso fue optimista. >> menciona los problemas y tambiÉn tiene soluciones para los problemas y eso es lo mÁs optimista que hay. claudia: el magnate tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio de posición en relaciÓn con los musulmanes y seÑalÓ que era una expansión de no hablar de ellos y no de territorios. durante meses, trump ha pedido la prohibiciÓn temporal de musulmanes extranjeros en la convenciÓn, el multimillonario resaltÓ que suspenderÍa de inmediato la inmigraciÓn de naciones afectadas por terrorismo. una estrategia, dicen. >> en ohio hay musulmanes, a indios, a inmigrantes de todas partes. no puedes utilizar un discurso contra un mexicano contra un musulmÁn porque has perdido votos. claudia: ayer hillary clinton presentÓ su compaÑero de fÓrmula el senador de virginia tim kaine el nuevo blanco de los ataques de trump. estadista republicano y abogada dice que kaine cumpl
claudia oceda nos explica.ublicana donald trump estÁ explicando lo que dijo y lo que querÍa decir. trump le dijo al programa meet the press que su discurso fue optimista. >> menciona los problemas y tambiÉn tiene soluciones para los problemas y eso es lo mÁs optimista que hay. claudia: el magnate tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio de posición en relaciÓn con los musulmanes y seÑalÓ que era una expansión de no hablar de ellos y no de territorios. durante meses, trump ha pedido la...
Jul 30, 2016
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despuÉs, claudia useda univisiÓn.illones de televidentes, superando al la candidata hillary clinton. fÉlix:la policÍa detuvo nombre por su presunta participaciÓn en un tiroteo en durante una fiesta en el tiroteo resultÓ herida otra persona, en el tiroteo un hombre con identidad desconocida de coco y disparÓ contra 15 a 20 personas que se encontraban allÍ, la mayoría jÓvenes que participaban en la reuniÓn. arazta: estados unidos ocupa el nÚmero 103 de la lista de paÍses violentos en una publicaciÓn. esto varÍa deteniendo de la escolaridad de las personas y otras variables, andrea linares nos trae los detalles importantes de esta investigaciÓn. andrea: estados unidos es un paÍs de oportunidades y libertad pero estÁ lejos de ser el paÍs mÁs pacÍfico del mundo. este aÑo, el territorio norteamericano ocupa el el territorio norteamericano ocupa el puesto nÚmero 103 según el Índice mundial de paz. un estudio elaborado utilizÓ datos de varias agencias gubernamentales y analizÓ las tasas de delincuencia y homicidio per cÁpita,
despuÉs, claudia useda univisiÓn.illones de televidentes, superando al la candidata hillary clinton. fÉlix:la policÍa detuvo nombre por su presunta participaciÓn en un tiroteo en durante una fiesta en el tiroteo resultÓ herida otra persona, en el tiroteo un hombre con identidad desconocida de coco y disparÓ contra 15 a 20 personas que se encontraban allÍ, la mayoría jÓvenes que participaban en la reuniÓn. arazta: estados unidos ocupa el nÚmero 103 de la lista de paÍses violentos en...
Jul 25, 2016
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claudia: el magnate tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio de posición en relaciÓn con los musulmanes y seÑalÓ queÓn temporal de musulmanes extranjeros en la convenciÓn, el multimillonario resaltÓ que suspenderÍa de inmediato la inmigraciÓn de naciones afectadas por terrorismo. una estrategia, dicen. >> en ohio hay musulmanes, a indios, a inmigrantes de todas partes. no puedes utilizar un discurso contra un mexicano contra un musulmÁn porque has perdido votos. claudia: ayer hillary clinton presentÓ su compaÑero de fÓrmula el senador de virginia tim kaine el nuevo blanco de los ataques de trump. estadista republicano y abogada dice que kaine cumpliÓ con las leyes del estado. >> esto estÁ basado en que haya convertido un crimen, que se haya enjuiciado. claudia: mientras la retÓrica de donald trump ha enojado muchas personas, reportes indican que aparentemente habrÍa ganado un nuevo simpatizante, malik obama, el medio hermano del presidente que aparentemente estarÍa registrado para votar. fÉlix: por su parte, hillary clinton y su compaÑero de fÓrmula tim kaine dijeron que no usarÁn ese tono de insult
claudia: el magnate tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio de posición en relaciÓn con los musulmanes y seÑalÓ queÓn temporal de musulmanes extranjeros en la convenciÓn, el multimillonario resaltÓ que suspenderÍa de inmediato la inmigraciÓn de naciones afectadas por terrorismo. una estrategia, dicen. >> en ohio hay musulmanes, a indios, a inmigrantes de todas partes. no puedes utilizar un discurso contra un mexicano contra un musulmÁn porque has perdido votos. claudia: ayer hillary...
Jul 23, 2016
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claudia: es un polÍtico aguerrido en tema migratorio.Ó a mÁs de uno al dar un discurso en espaÑol, en el senado. >> hay muchas personas en el senado que no quieren escuchar lo que necesita la comunidad latina. claudia: es conocido por ser catÓlico conservador, lo que puede generar conservaciones entre el ala mÁs liberal del partido. la pregunta es si podrÁ captar votantes en otras partes del paÍs. fÉlix: en alemania, autoridades han descartado cualquier vÍnculo entre el tiroteo de munich, con el estado islÁmico o cualquier otro grupo terrorista. el joven estaba en tratamiento psiquiÁtrico. pablo monsalvo tiene los detalles. pablo: ocho de las vÍctimas mortales tenÍan menos de 20 aÑos, tragedia que golpeÓ a los jÓvenes, un totalidad sin sentido de la que alemania todavÍa intenta sacar alguna explicaciÓn. > segÚn la informaciÓn que manejamos los padres del atacante habÍan llegado a fines de los 90, naciÓ en alemania y suponemos que era musulmÁn, pero su primer nombre era david, algo que no condice con la tradiciÓn musulmana, suponemos que
claudia: es un polÍtico aguerrido en tema migratorio.Ó a mÁs de uno al dar un discurso en espaÑol, en el senado. >> hay muchas personas en el senado que no quieren escuchar lo que necesita la comunidad latina. claudia: es conocido por ser catÓlico conservador, lo que puede generar conservaciones entre el ala mÁs liberal del partido. la pregunta es si podrÁ captar votantes en otras partes del paÍs. fÉlix: en alemania, autoridades han descartado cualquier vÍnculo entre el tiroteo...
Jul 25, 2016
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claudia: el magnate, tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio en la relaciÓn con los musulmanes.ump, ha pedido la prohibiciÓn temporal de musulmanes extranjeros. en la convenciÓn resaltó que va suspender de inmediato las inmigraciones de tierras de terrorismo. >> tÚ no puedes hacer dar un discurso contra un mexicano o musulmÁn porque ya perdiste. claudia: hillary clinton, ayer presentÓ a su compaÑero de fÓrmula, el senador tim kaine. trump, acusÓ al senador, por recibir $60,000 en regalos cuando era senador de virginia. estÁ la lista republicana y abogada dice que incumpliÓ con las leyes del estado. abogada: eso se cae en cualquier corte. no estÁ basado en que haya cometido un crimen. claudia: prieto la retÓrica de donald trump alojado a muchas personas, reportes indican que habÍa ganado un nuevo simpatizante, el medio hermano del presidente obama, que estarÍa registrado para votar en maryland. ♪ arantxa: el ex lÍder del grupo de supremacÍa blanca, se lanza nuevamente la arena polÍtica. en esta ocasiÓn intenta ganar un lugar en el senado por el estado de luisiana. dijo que el men
claudia: el magnate, tambiÉn desmintiÓ un cambio en la relaciÓn con los musulmanes.ump, ha pedido la prohibiciÓn temporal de musulmanes extranjeros. en la convenciÓn resaltó que va suspender de inmediato las inmigraciones de tierras de terrorismo. >> tÚ no puedes hacer dar un discurso contra un mexicano o musulmÁn porque ya perdiste. claudia: hillary clinton, ayer presentÓ a su compaÑero de fÓrmula, el senador tim kaine. trump, acusÓ al senador, por recibir $60,000 en regalos...
Jul 7, 2016
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claudia: les vamos a mostrar cositas rutinarias.nte vÉrtigo, ojo, porque hay que ir al mÉdico. vamos con una rodilla al frente, vamos a cruzar, y regresa. cruza y regresa. es muy bueno, porque al tener este movimiento desestabilizador, te hace trabajar mucho. recuerden: todos los ejercicios que yo les hago que son para tonificar el abdomen, para que los mÚsculos estabilizadores estÉn en forma, les ayuda a no perder el balance. tiene que ser una prÁctica diaria, para que cuando estemos mÁs viejitos caminemos derechitos. johnny: y evitemos muchÍsimas condiciones. claudia: las personas mayores se cae en... johnny: especialmente las mujeres. claudia los invito a un facebook live en la pÁgina de univisiÓn, a las 11:00 de la maÑana, hora del este, para hablar sobre "jugosa y fit". los invito a claudiamolina.com. johnny: nosotros vamos a seguir trabajando. claudia: claro que sÍ. vamos a ir al frente, y regresa. johnny: dios mÍo, karlita, ayÚdame en esta! claudia: karlita, te extraÑo! karla: yo tambiÉn, me tienes que poner en forma! aquÍ es
claudia: les vamos a mostrar cositas rutinarias.nte vÉrtigo, ojo, porque hay que ir al mÉdico. vamos con una rodilla al frente, vamos a cruzar, y regresa. cruza y regresa. es muy bueno, porque al tener este movimiento desestabilizador, te hace trabajar mucho. recuerden: todos los ejercicios que yo les hago que son para tonificar el abdomen, para que los mÚsculos estabilizadores estÉn en forma, les ayuda a no perder el balance. tiene que ser una prÁctica diaria, para que cuando estemos mÁs...
Jul 22, 2016
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claudia: la timidez mÍa era algo increÍble.e el pÚblico, y ustedes celebra mis logros. por ejemplo, con este proyecto de la lÍnea de ropa, me siento feliz de poderlo lanzar hoy aquÍ en mi casita. ustedes son mi familia extendida. les agradezco un montÓn. karla: es una historia de superaciÓn, de Éxito. son las historias que nos demuestran que a veces juzgamos a la gente por su apariencia. ella es una mujer tan guapa que pensamos que a lo mejor es una mujer superflua, y yo he conocido a una de las personas mÁs maravillosas, que le gusta ayudar a otras mujeres, empoderarlas hacerlas sentir bien. esta mujer es una dulzura. que sigas ayudando a muchas personas y dejando legado. claudia: gracias, karlita. yo tambiÉn te adoro. hemos hecho una amistad muy bonita. quiero invitarlos a que ingresen a claudiamolina.com y se informen un poquito mÁs de nuestra lÍnea de ropa. tengo fajas y cinturilla para que hagan ejercicio de una forma segura. hay que hacer ejercicio para no lesionarse. yo siempre quiero dejarles huella en que lo que hagamo
claudia: la timidez mÍa era algo increÍble.e el pÚblico, y ustedes celebra mis logros. por ejemplo, con este proyecto de la lÍnea de ropa, me siento feliz de poderlo lanzar hoy aquÍ en mi casita. ustedes son mi familia extendida. les agradezco un montÓn. karla: es una historia de superaciÓn, de Éxito. son las historias que nos demuestran que a veces juzgamos a la gente por su apariencia. ella es una mujer tan guapa que pensamos que a lo mejor es una mujer superflua, y yo he conocido a...
Jul 9, 2016
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claudia usera.muerte de los cuatro agentes de las policÍa elevÓ el total nacional de motos por armas de fuego entre la policÍa a 26. por esta misma fecha 2015 los policÍas caídos en su deber sumaban 18 y en todo desde que se cuenta y u -- 41 agentes fueron asesinados en el cumplimiento de su deber. en 2007 se alcanza el mÁximo con un total de 70. se desmiente rumor de nueva fuga del por guzmÁn. hablamos del culto que se rinde todos los aÑos a la muerte. >> tragedia en dallas, tenemos la reacciÓn del congresista de texas sobre la masacre policial. >> especialmente los polÍticos, los que corren, bajar el tono. >> ilusiona al senador ser compaÑero de fÓrmula de hillary clinton? >> vamos a trabajar, parece que se puede crear un proyecto muy importante. >> se determinÓ que niÑos migrantes deben ser liberados de centros de detenciÓn. >> es un castigo al niÑo cuando los separas de su mamÁ. >> y nos dicen porque el ♪ todos esos besos... antes que se besen por primera vez, quiero que sepan algo. imaginen que
claudia usera.muerte de los cuatro agentes de las policÍa elevÓ el total nacional de motos por armas de fuego entre la policÍa a 26. por esta misma fecha 2015 los policÍas caídos en su deber sumaban 18 y en todo desde que se cuenta y u -- 41 agentes fueron asesinados en el cumplimiento de su deber. en 2007 se alcanza el mÁximo con un total de 70. se desmiente rumor de nueva fuga del por guzmÁn. hablamos del culto que se rinde todos los aÑos a la muerte. >> tragedia en dallas,...
Jul 3, 2016
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as dennis tries to hold onto both claudia and suelina. but the powerful current sweeps his wife into the culvert. a local resident captures the terrifying ordeal on camera. claudia is already pulled out of the tunnel, but dennis is still inside trying to reach his wife. >> and then, like from heaven, the ladder came down right in front of me. and i reached out and i thought, well, i better get out of here and let the firefighters do their job. so i pulled, grabbed on to the ladder and i pulled myself through the opening. >> the deputy fire chief chris russo is waiting on the ladder and helps lift dennis up to the rescue team on the bridge. >> when i finally got a hold of dennis he was wedged between his kayak, the ladder and the edge of the culvert. thank god he wasn't a giant guy and i could actually lift him up and get him on the ladder and move him to safety. >> i got him. under the arms. under his arms. >> i was pretty exhausted. i knew that there wasn't much more that i could do, but i was also, at that point, had been prepared to if
as dennis tries to hold onto both claudia and suelina. but the powerful current sweeps his wife into the culvert. a local resident captures the terrifying ordeal on camera. claudia is already pulled out of the tunnel, but dennis is still inside trying to reach his wife. >> and then, like from heaven, the ladder came down right in front of me. and i reached out and i thought, well, i better get out of here and let the firefighters do their job. so i pulled, grabbed on to the ladder and i...
Jul 28, 2016
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alejandro: somos todos tuyos, claudia. la hielera. Ésto estpÓ -estÁ lleno de hielo. como ven en pantalla estÁ mi libro. todos los ejercicios son ideales. siempre una buena alimentaciÓn. lo encuentran en claudiamolina.com. alejandro: la hielera es buena para llevar cervecita, y para hacer ejercicio. claudia: gracias mi ale. alejandro: seguimos en el estudio. karla: no hay pretexto para ejercitarse. anal - alan: imagÍnense hacer ejercicio con claudia molina. karina: hay - hoy vamos a conocer gente que nos inspira. alan: ella en su graduaciÓn dijo que era indocumentada. karla: en breve regresamos a los Ángeles. hoy está bien acompaÑado con la joven con la cintura mÁs ¿cómo hacemos un mejor sándwich en subway? empezamos con pollo tierno estilo rostizado, criado sin antibióticos. y le ponemos sabrosita salsa caesar y queso derretido para un sabor único. un mejor sándwich, con un mejor sabor. el nuevo chicken caesar melt. de subway. mr. clean arranca mugre y grasa en solo un minuto mr. clean limpia tu casa por cualquier cuarto q
alejandro: somos todos tuyos, claudia. la hielera. Ésto estpÓ -estÁ lleno de hielo. como ven en pantalla estÁ mi libro. todos los ejercicios son ideales. siempre una buena alimentaciÓn. lo encuentran en claudiamolina.com. alejandro: la hielera es buena para llevar cervecita, y para hacer ejercicio. claudia: gracias mi ale. alejandro: seguimos en el estudio. karla: no hay pretexto para ejercitarse. anal - alan: imagÍnense hacer ejercicio con claudia molina. karina: hay - hoy vamos a...
Jul 5, 2016
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claudia: al momento. que la vamos a ver presentando en una alfombra roja. va a ser una de las conductoras principales. estoy yo aquÍ. y nuestra querida daniela digiÁcomo como presentadora de todo lo que es la moda. no es ningÚn secreto que algunas fotos de instagram son editadas y configuradas para crear una ilusiÓn un poco rara. un montÓn de cuentas de instagram se han hecho muy virales porque muy pocos tratan de mostrar cuÁnto trabajo lleva la fabricaciÓn de esta ilusión. un fotÓgrafo con sede en tailandia captura toda la escena de lo que es una foto de instagram. y la verdad, no es tan terrible. todos hacemos nuestros trucos parÁ verlos mejor. tobi, tÚ tambiÉn lo haces. tobi: tÚ te pones todos los filtros para que no se te vean las arrugas. william: yo no tengo arrugas. todavÍa no soy alan tacher! alan: yo no me pongo filtros. tobi: quÉ tanto mentiroso hay aquÍ. william: hay un filtro que inmediatamente te quita las arrugas. josÉ manuel: pÁsame la. alan: pero te ves muy bien! ¿te puedo preguntar la eda
claudia: al momento. que la vamos a ver presentando en una alfombra roja. va a ser una de las conductoras principales. estoy yo aquÍ. y nuestra querida daniela digiÁcomo como presentadora de todo lo que es la moda. no es ningÚn secreto que algunas fotos de instagram son editadas y configuradas para crear una ilusiÓn un poco rara. un montÓn de cuentas de instagram se han hecho muy virales porque muy pocos tratan de mostrar cuÁnto trabajo lleva la fabricaciÓn de esta ilusión. un...
Jul 25, 2016
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claudia es toda una empresaria. su lÍnea de ropa, felicidades! claudia: gracias!eticiones, pero a este ritmo, y lo van a sentir. ahora, este es buenÍsimo para los oblicuos. karla: la parte de los lados. claudia: y la parte de arriba. miren quÉ lindas se ven con mi ropa! ahora, abdomen bajo, que despuÉs de los embarazos estÁ complicado. vamos a subir las piernas, bien estiraditas. bajan, contraen el estÓmago, y suben nuevamente hasta tocar el disco. esta es la clave. cuando ya toca el disco, entonces bajas. la velocidad es despacito. respiran y bajan. siempre respiren en la parte de descanso. respira y baja. este tambiÉn, 15 a 20 repeticiones. ahora vamos a hacer otro que me encanta, porque es como si usted planchara el abdomen. vamos a ponernos en posiciÓn de plancha, karlita, y vamos a ir a un lado y al otro. bien, aquÍ les trabaja mucho tambiÉn la parte de la cintura, ese gordito de atrÁs, que no deja lucir la ropa deportiva. con este la queman, y se les va a poner la cintura mÁs delineada. karla: ¿cuÁntos de estos? claudia: al fallo, hasta que el cuerpo aguante
claudia es toda una empresaria. su lÍnea de ropa, felicidades! claudia: gracias!eticiones, pero a este ritmo, y lo van a sentir. ahora, este es buenÍsimo para los oblicuos. karla: la parte de los lados. claudia: y la parte de arriba. miren quÉ lindas se ven con mi ropa! ahora, abdomen bajo, que despuÉs de los embarazos estÁ complicado. vamos a subir las piernas, bien estiraditas. bajan, contraen el estÓmago, y suben nuevamente hasta tocar el disco. esta es la clave. cuando ya toca el...
Jul 30, 2016
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. >> la alcaldesa claudia a que ahora se le conoce como lady.xico que cobra $1200. claudia no pierde oportunidad para aparecer las revistas que retratan a la alta sociedad. manera de verla con tanta frecuencia,porque en persona no se lave mucho. los lujos no son sÓlo de la alcaldesa sino secciona la ---casi cuatro aÑos despÉs de la masacre en la escuela primaria "sandy hook", en connecticut, el plantel reabrÓ sus puertas.---el edificio donde un pistolero maÓ a 20 estudiantes de primer grado y 6 maestros fue demolido.---en su lugar construyeron una escuela totalmente nueva donde, a partir del 29 de agosto, estudiaran 390 alumnos.---70 de los menores que ingresaÁn a cuarto de primaria eran alumnos de la escuela cuando ocurrio la masacre... 35 de ellos estaban en el edificio cuando se produjo el tiroteo. ---el papa francisco visiÓ "auschwitz", antoguo campo de concentracÓn nazi en polonia. ---en esta visita hisÓrica, su santidad rindÓ homenaje a Ás de un millon de judias que perdieron la vida durante la segunda guerra mundial. ---muy temprano en la
. >> la alcaldesa claudia a que ahora se le conoce como lady.xico que cobra $1200. claudia no pierde oportunidad para aparecer las revistas que retratan a la alta sociedad. manera de verla con tanta frecuencia,porque en persona no se lave mucho. los lujos no son sÓlo de la alcaldesa sino secciona la ---casi cuatro aÑos despÉs de la masacre en la escuela primaria "sandy hook", en connecticut, el plantel reabrÓ sus puertas.---el edificio donde un pistolero maÓ a 20...
Jul 10, 2016
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claudia: las protestas regresaron a las calles.de la ciudad, no policÍa intentaba controlar a los manifestantes. en arizona, la tensiÓn aumentó despuÉs de que mÁs de 1000 personas mostraron hasta el centro de la ciudad. gritaban "manos arriba, no disparen". como si fuese poco, la policiales o gas pimienta contra uno de los manifestantes que trataron de bloquear el acceso vehicular. tres personas fueron detenidas por arrojar piedras a la policÍa. el descontento obligÓ al presidente barack obama hablar desde polonia es Última cumbre de otan. por muy dolorosa que haya sido esta semana creo firmemente que estados unidos no estÁ tan dividido como algunos han sugerido dijo el mandatario en una conferencia de prensa al terminar la cumbre de la otan en varsovia, polonia. obama se referÍa donald trump, y hace poco dijo que las divisiones en el paÍs han empeorado y no mejorado. obama llamÓ al responsable del tiroteo en dallas como un individuo demente que no representa los afroamericanos y declarÓ que es muy difÍcil determinar la razÓn por l
claudia: las protestas regresaron a las calles.de la ciudad, no policÍa intentaba controlar a los manifestantes. en arizona, la tensiÓn aumentó despuÉs de que mÁs de 1000 personas mostraron hasta el centro de la ciudad. gritaban "manos arriba, no disparen". como si fuese poco, la policiales o gas pimienta contra uno de los manifestantes que trataron de bloquear el acceso vehicular. tres personas fueron detenidas por arrojar piedras a la policÍa. el descontento obligÓ al...
Jul 12, 2016
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claudia is in milan and joins us with more. claudia, what will new blood at the helm of the bank too, not just unicredit, but also for the general banking sector in italy at the moment? >> reporter: well, certainly the new ceo is boating well for the future of italian banks in morning because unicredit higher. bringing with it all the italian banks. of course the idea we did area some positive comments saying also that he is thinking that a solution for the italian banks is within reach is helping, but unicredit jump here is expected to do a lot for unicredit going forward in terms of cost reductions and in terms of strengthening capital and improving the risk discipline overall and the sell of assets and moving to help strengthen a core tear one rh owe. one of those things happened yesterday. discount,ount. you are seeing fin co-bank on the index performing as the worst performer. down and leveling up at that level. also the asset management group who has been in talks with santander. that could be very helpful also for unny c
claudia is in milan and joins us with more. claudia, what will new blood at the helm of the bank too, not just unicredit, but also for the general banking sector in italy at the moment? >> reporter: well, certainly the new ceo is boating well for the future of italian banks in morning because unicredit higher. bringing with it all the italian banks. of course the idea we did area some positive comments saying also that he is thinking that a solution for the italian banks is within reach...
Jul 24, 2016
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they were like that doesn't hide anything. >> reporter: claudia cowen, fox news.>>> volunteers reach to low income and homeless people today, part of the impact conference, more than 2000 volunteers helping provide free meals and foot bats to anyone that needed. one person said he happened upon an event today and it was all the better for it. >> i was walking by and then i seen that there was something to eat. it was a real good decision.>> nonprofit city impact has been serving the community for 32 years. >>> coming up, the very latest on the news out of oakland, a police officer shot at while on duty.>>> mark tamayo will be in with your detailed bay area forecast. a hot weekend. stay right there. >>> more breaking news happening now, in oakland police officer is in the hospital after being shot at. leigh martinez is there live with the latest. to we know how seriously injured the officer's?: police are saying the officer was shot at that not struck by gunfire. however, the officer had to go to the hospital to be checked out. we were told there might have been an injury because o
they were like that doesn't hide anything. >> reporter: claudia cowen, fox news.>>> volunteers reach to low income and homeless people today, part of the impact conference, more than 2000 volunteers helping provide free meals and foot bats to anyone that needed. one person said he happened upon an event today and it was all the better for it. >> i was walking by and then i seen that there was something to eat. it was a real good decision.>> nonprofit city impact has...
Jul 20, 2016
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claudia in florida, republican. >> caller: hi, greta. this is claudia from ormond beach, florida. i would like to make a comment about the speech that melania trump gave. just to let people know there's nothing new under the sun. all things have been said. all things have been paraphrased. i think she did a beautiful job. she's lovely. she has poise. she would make a beautiful first lady. anybody that tried to make anything out of the speech is just jealous. >> okay, claudia, who are you looking forward to hearing from tonight? >> caller: mike pence. >> you are? what do you want the governor to say? >> caller: i would just like to know more about him. when mr. trump picked him as his running mate, i felt it was a little bit of a push from the republican party. he looks a little bit aryan to me. forgive me for saying that. but i have to wait and hear what he has to say and make up my mind then. i'm enjoying the convention. thank you so much for cspan. >> all right. okay. claudia, what do you think governor mike pence's role will be for the state of ohio? >> well, he's from the neig
claudia in florida, republican. >> caller: hi, greta. this is claudia from ormond beach, florida. i would like to make a comment about the speech that melania trump gave. just to let people know there's nothing new under the sun. all things have been said. all things have been paraphrased. i think she did a beautiful job. she's lovely. she has poise. she would make a beautiful first lady. anybody that tried to make anything out of the speech is just jealous. >> okay, claudia, who...
Jul 4, 2016
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claudia callan is following that story from our los angeles bureau and she has more on that. >> it reallyr and right now juno is streaking toward jupiter at 200 times the speed of sound and there is no room for any kind of a mistake here. the spacecraft has one chance to slip into jupiter's orbit on a research mission designed to give scientists more information about how this planet came to be. later tonight at about 11:15 eastern time, juno will fire its rocketengine to slow down and once in orbit, it will spend the next 20 months helping scientists learn more about how jupiter formed . >> if indeed this was the first planet made, we are going to find outwhat that initial material was and how this planet came into being . >> this is the last part of juno's five-year, 1.7 billion mile journey. it had to use earth's gravity to slingshot around mars and make its way out to jupiter. scientists at the jet propulsion laboratory that he will be working late waiting to hear beeps indicating that radio signals are being transmitted andthat juno has achieved orbit . >> the rocket motor has to bur
claudia callan is following that story from our los angeles bureau and she has more on that. >> it reallyr and right now juno is streaking toward jupiter at 200 times the speed of sound and there is no room for any kind of a mistake here. the spacecraft has one chance to slip into jupiter's orbit on a research mission designed to give scientists more information about how this planet came to be. later tonight at about 11:15 eastern time, juno will fire its rocketengine to slow down and...
Jul 4, 2016
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to the nationals game for the fourth of july, claudia first pitch, then a chance of rain moving in.t first pitch, then a chance of rain moving in. we will talk about the rain timing of the fireworks coming up. kellye: we have you covered as the rain moves in. stay connected all mine and on facebook and twitter. tonload our storm watch app get up-to-the-minute forecasts at a look at the radar. it is available on all apple and android devices. are learningwe more about hillary clinton's meeting with fbi investigators. >> she screamed really loud. nothing i've ever heard before in my life. kellye: a mother's warning playground equipment as temperature start climbing. precision, a man who rescued a bald eagle. kellye we are learning more information about hillary clinton's meeting with fbi investigators. they talked to clinton about three and a half hours yesterday about her use of primate -- of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state. never sentntains she any classified material through her private e-mail, although she says some may have been classified retroactively.
to the nationals game for the fourth of july, claudia first pitch, then a chance of rain moving in.t first pitch, then a chance of rain moving in. we will talk about the rain timing of the fireworks coming up. kellye: we have you covered as the rain moves in. stay connected all mine and on facebook and twitter. tonload our storm watch app get up-to-the-minute forecasts at a look at the radar. it is available on all apple and android devices. are learningwe more about hillary clinton's meeting...
Jul 4, 2016
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claudia company want is in los angeles with the story of the football field sized juneau. >> reporter the solar system's largest planet. the juneau spacecraft is traveling at 150,000 miles per hour on its way to june they are. it set to fire its rocket engine late tonight to slow down and enter the planet's orbit. >> if indeed this was the first planet made we'll find out what that initial material was and how this planet came into being. >> reporter: this is the final part of the craft's five-year long 1.8 billion-mile journey. juneau on auto pilot for the past few days with its camera and other instruments powered down it will take little more than 45 minutes for the radio signals to make it back to ear earth. so scientists here in california will wait for beeps to see if everything is going well. >> we call it a mission critical event. it has to work. it has to burn for at least 20 minutes for june they are to be able to hang on to the spacecraft. >> union know is expected to send back close up images of jupiter's poles, clouds and i was roarer's and 20-month mission. public is abl
claudia company want is in los angeles with the story of the football field sized juneau. >> reporter the solar system's largest planet. the juneau spacecraft is traveling at 150,000 miles per hour on its way to june they are. it set to fire its rocket engine late tonight to slow down and enter the planet's orbit. >> if indeed this was the first planet made we'll find out what that initial material was and how this planet came into being. >> reporter: this is the final part of...
Jul 26, 2016
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pedro: claudia nunca pensÓ que tenÍa una bolsa defectuosa hasta que verificÓ en internet. >> tengo doscia automotriz. >> arreglarlo es gratis, no importa si no tiene documentos, no importa si no tiene licencia, no importa si tenÉs seguros. pedro: por eso por ahora esta campaÑa ha iniciado en de manera agresiva en su centro se trasladarÁ a todo el paÍs, es muy importante recalcarle a medio mundo que conducir un vehÍculo con una bolsa de aire defectuosa, es como traer una bomba de tiempo adentro de su auto. marÍa elena: el reciente ataque mortal de un tigre a una mujer en un parque chino fue el cuarto incidente similar que acabÓ en tragedia en el mismo zoolÓgico. desde el 2009. otros dos tiros devoraron a un adolescente que una vigilante y el marzo pasado, un elefante matÓ a otro empleado. reportera: la terrible historia comienza cuando esta mujer decide de repente salir del automÓvil en el que viajaba como pasajera mientras hacÍa un recorrido por un parque safari de china donde los visitantes admiran a animales salvajes y peligrosos es obligatorio permanecer todo el momento dentro del v
pedro: claudia nunca pensÓ que tenÍa una bolsa defectuosa hasta que verificÓ en internet. >> tengo doscia automotriz. >> arreglarlo es gratis, no importa si no tiene documentos, no importa si no tiene licencia, no importa si tenÉs seguros. pedro: por eso por ahora esta campaÑa ha iniciado en de manera agresiva en su centro se trasladarÁ a todo el paÍs, es muy importante recalcarle a medio mundo que conducir un vehÍculo con una bolsa de aire defectuosa, es como traer una...
Jul 25, 2016
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claudia jordan joining us radio and tv personality.n her on "celebrity things.ce" all kind of real housewives but she is here today to go over some stores we covering in for harvey. first up tom cruise in the of an investigation in that,wood a suicide bomb er alleged suicide bomber the police are trying to find after call to the ne church of scientology and tom's in the
claudia jordan joining us radio and tv personality.n her on "celebrity things.ce" all kind of real housewives but she is here today to go over some stores we covering in for harvey. first up tom cruise in the of an investigation in that,wood a suicide bomb er alleged suicide bomber the police are trying to find after call to the ne church of scientology and tom's in the
Jul 4, 2016
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claudia cowan fox news. >> we're not seeing anything nog any planets tonight. >> cloud cover and rain luckily as we've been reporting so far, its a go for the firework at the national mall might be a little wet out there. i don't see any heavy rain until after that window of nine clock. so might be sprinting to youro car afterwards. >> a lot of people went to the dress re hersall to see the act because it was dry. >> good idea. >> in that was smart too for everyone else couldn't be at the beach and enjoy it >> beautiful. how scenic. >> this happens sometimes. the bright side hasn't been tooo hot that's for sure. in fact it's one of the coolest we have on record here in dc weather headlines what to expeco that's all about to change. those comfortable 70s will be a distance memory the 70s we have p won't be comfortable they'llh' be incredibly how many. here comes the heat. i'm surprised it took this long to the there. budget coolest july 4ths our high today 73. 73. 58 setback in 1941. 194 that's coolest its ever been. its pretty rare as you can see from these numbers f hottest back in 1
claudia cowan fox news. >> we're not seeing anything nog any planets tonight. >> cloud cover and rain luckily as we've been reporting so far, its a go for the firework at the national mall might be a little wet out there. i don't see any heavy rain until after that window of nine clock. so might be sprinting to youro car afterwards. >> a lot of people went to the dress re hersall to see the act because it was dry. >> good idea. >> in that was smart too for everyone...
Jul 5, 2016
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claudia cowan has more. >> reporter: nasa closing in on the solar system largest planet.o spacecraft is traveling at 150,000 miles per hour on its way to jupiter. set to fire its rocket engine late tonight to slow down and into the planets orbit. >> what juno is about is looking beneath that surface. we've got to go down and look at what is inside. see how it's built. how deep do these features go? learn about its real secrets. that's what juno is about. >> reporter: this is the final part of the five-year long, 1.8 billion-mile journey. juno on autopilot for the past few days with its camera and other instruments powered down. it will take a little more than 45 minutes for the radio signal to make it back to earth. scientists here in california will wait for beats to see if everything is going well. >> about 7:30 tonight, juno is going to go into the scariest part of the scariest place that we know about. because we don't know about it. it's part of jupiter's radiation environment where nobody has ever been. >> reporter: juno is expected to send back close-up images of j
claudia cowan has more. >> reporter: nasa closing in on the solar system largest planet.o spacecraft is traveling at 150,000 miles per hour on its way to jupiter. set to fire its rocket engine late tonight to slow down and into the planets orbit. >> what juno is about is looking beneath that surface. we've got to go down and look at what is inside. see how it's built. how deep do these features go? learn about its real secrets. that's what juno is about. >> reporter: this is...
Jul 18, 2016
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claudia who lives in nice was here when the attack happened. >> i cry, cry. i think about the people. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attack. >> people need to share despite these kind of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you've got to carry out. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. johnathan vigliotti, cbs news, nice, france. >>> the search for those involved in friday's failed attempt to overthrow the turkish government continues this morning. so far, thousands have been arrested, including top military personnel and members of the judiciary. holly williams reports. >> reporter: the turkish government has moved swiftly, rounding up not just the soldiers who attempted to seize power, but others who it views as enemies, including judges and prosecutors. people are now in custody with more arrests to come. at a funeral for some of those killed in the failed coup, president erdogan vowed to destroy wh
claudia who lives in nice was here when the attack happened. >> i cry, cry. i think about the people. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attack. >> people need to share despite these kind of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you've got to carry out. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. johnathan vigliotti, cbs...
Jul 8, 2016
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porque es una imagen que si ustedes la ven enseguida van a saber que es ella" su amiga, claudia, asegurao la misma figura bajo la cual hoy deposita una ofrenda floral.... sot @ 1:08 "fue algo hermoso... era confuso, porque tambien tiraba a otra imagen y deciamos si o no" foto de virgen en video lo que vieron fue esta silueta que se asemeja a una figura blanca, rodeada de un borde obscuro y un aura que estas dos mujeres describen como simplemente celestial... "hay un refran muy sabio que dice que la verdad esta solo en los ojos de quien la mira y eso nunca ha sido mas cierto que en este caso... y es que esta imagen solo representa lo que usted quiere ver... una mancha de agua calcificada sobre las rocas, o una aparicion de la virgen maria" para mary el significado de la imagen que ella ve esta mas que claro: mary, tape 1 @ 7:05 "tantas cosas que estan pasando, tanta gente que esta muriendo que estan matando, ella quiere estar entremedio de todo esto tambien para que pensemos en ella y en dios antes de hacer cualquier cosa" es por ello que hoy tiene esta invitacion para compartir lo que co
porque es una imagen que si ustedes la ven enseguida van a saber que es ella" su amiga, claudia, asegurao la misma figura bajo la cual hoy deposita una ofrenda floral.... sot @ 1:08 "fue algo hermoso... era confuso, porque tambien tiraba a otra imagen y deciamos si o no" foto de virgen en video lo que vieron fue esta silueta que se asemeja a una figura blanca, rodeada de un borde obscuro y un aura que estas dos mujeres describen como simplemente celestial... "hay un refran...
Jul 18, 2016
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claudia who lives in nice was here when attack happened. >> i'm very sorry, cry, cry. see the people, kids, children. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attacks. >> people need to show resilience in these kinds of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you got to carry on. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. in nice, france, jonathan big lot ty, cbs3 "eyewitness news" sglchlt. >>> thousands of turks radicalized. of on friday at least 294 people killed during clashes in turkey when parts of a turkish military attempted to cease pure power. 139 police personnel in connection with the failed at the same timed coup. erdogan wants the u.s. to now extra diet him to turkey. >>> residents across the midwest are cleaning up tonight. some damaging storms, the worst of it all hit eastern iowa with winds so strong it flipped over cammers. that camper landed inches away from a power line. the storms also spawned at least two tor
claudia who lives in nice was here when attack happened. >> i'm very sorry, cry, cry. see the people, kids, children. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attacks. >> people need to show resilience in these kinds of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you got to carry on. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. in nice,...
Jul 18, 2016
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claudia who lives in nice was here when attack happened. >> i'm very sorry, cry, cry. see the people, kids, children. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attacks. >> people need to show resilience in these kinds of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you got to carry on. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. in nice, france, jonathan big lot ty, cbs3 "eyewitness news" sglchlt. >>> thousands of turks radicalized. of on friday at least 294 people killed during clashes in turkey when parts of a turkish military attempted to cease pure power. 139 police personnel in connection with the failed at the same timed coup. erdogan wants the u.s. to now extra diet him to turkey. >>> residents across the midwest are cleaning up tonight. some damaging storms, the worst of it all hit eastern iowa with winds so strong it flipped over cammers. that camper landed inches away from a power line. the storms also spawned at least two tor
claudia who lives in nice was here when attack happened. >> i'm very sorry, cry, cry. see the people, kids, children. >> reporter: this tourist came to nice despite the terrorist attacks. >> people need to show resilience in these kinds of events. you can't put your life on hold and lock yourself up in your home. you got to carry on. >> reporter: but there is a long road ahead for the families of victims and the hundreds of injured. many still clinging to life. in nice,...
Jul 4, 2016
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color ultime, developed with claudia schiffer, from schwarzkopf. [ screaming ] rate suckers!ance goes up because of their bad driving. people try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ] if you're sick of paying more than your fair share... [ screams ] get snapshot from progressive, and see just how much your good driving could save you. >>> after eugene murdered my sister, he went down to his sister's house. >> and then he got back into his truck and drove up willow grove road. >> up the hill is the woods. it's the park. >> hammer state park is 47,000 acres of woods. trails, reservoirs. like nature. >> we went into the park looking to get him out because my aunt said he went up the hill. and as the police were doing their homicide investigation, we started walking through the park looking for him, trying to get a visual on him. >> clarence had said that he would come out if he heard clarence's voice. >> i was leading the way for the police. they didn't know where they were going, what they were looking for. so i brought them with me. >> they were pretty much
color ultime, developed with claudia schiffer, from schwarzkopf. [ screaming ] rate suckers!ance goes up because of their bad driving. people try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ] if you're sick of paying more than your fair share... [ screams ] get snapshot from progressive, and see just how much your good driving could save you. >>> after eugene murdered my sister, he went down to his sister's house. >> and then he got back into his truck and drove up...
Jul 7, 2016
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super= claudia gonzalez/ activista inq=.la mentalidad y la forma de vestir no tienen que estar relacionados.. al igual que esta activistas, los catolicos y no catolicos mexiquenses reprobaron la medida. super=fernando nolasco / catolico inq=..la mujer tiene derecho a vestirse como ella le convenga .." ya aÑos atrs en la puerta se coloco un anuncio que invitaba a los asistentes a "vestir digna y honestamente." pero el nuevo panfleto es mas explicito y dice "mujer catolica, el templo es la casa de dios y lugar de oracion, respetalo , presentate vestida a el con moralidad y decoro." en letras negras el escrito impide la entrada con minifaldas, pantalones ajustados , o "escotes inmorales" .. stand=jazive perez/ ciudad de mexico inq=..representantes de esta religión aseguran que esta norma no es nueva e incluso debería de aplicarse en todo el país, pero hasta ahora son pocas las iglesias que la han dado a conocer y sobre todo que la ponen por escrito. en el 2014 la diosesis de zacatecas hizo la misma prohibicion. se justifico diciendo que quierian evitar las tentaciones carnales y seguir las reg
super= claudia gonzalez/ activista inq=.la mentalidad y la forma de vestir no tienen que estar relacionados.. al igual que esta activistas, los catolicos y no catolicos mexiquenses reprobaron la medida. super=fernando nolasco / catolico inq=..la mujer tiene derecho a vestirse como ella le convenga .." ya aÑos atrs en la puerta se coloco un anuncio que invitaba a los asistentes a "vestir digna y honestamente." pero el nuevo panfleto es mas explicito y dice "mujer catolica,...
Jul 1, 2016
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claudia foggy conditions as are most locations to the bay and then by 10:00 a.m. mid-50s for the coast of bay at 64. inland locations 74. by 1:00 heading out for lunch where we get that dramatic temperature spread temperatures close to 90 degrees in the location 71 the space coast 59 degrees and their fourth of july fireworks forecast for the details of five the go into saturday sunday. 20 >> vicki: 60 hundred buildings in danger tonight trailhead fire burning in plaster eldorado counties along the american river and we have video of the flames from earlier today 1500 earlier have burned today 12 percent contained 1900 firefighters are battling the blaze mandatory evacuations in the fire area. hot dry weather making for high fire danger locally and the east bay they have battled a grass fire and grizzly peak near oakland berkeley the fire started near fish range road grisly boulevard a video from how the part of abc's seven is about-acre bird threatened to burn down a communications tower they were able to get a handle on the flames around 5:00 this evening. >> pa
claudia foggy conditions as are most locations to the bay and then by 10:00 a.m. mid-50s for the coast of bay at 64. inland locations 74. by 1:00 heading out for lunch where we get that dramatic temperature spread temperatures close to 90 degrees in the location 71 the space coast 59 degrees and their fourth of july fireworks forecast for the details of five the go into saturday sunday. 20 >> vicki: 60 hundred buildings in danger tonight trailhead fire burning in plaster eldorado counties...
Jul 8, 2016
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but we talked to claudia for own in the last hour. the dollar.seven to it looks from his perspective they are going to let this thing fly. from earlier this year, we had the depreciation of 6.6. that has long been crossed. so 7 -- what's next, that is the issue right there. yvonne: thank you so much. we have been talking about china and the yen with our guests today. -- at is the head of macquarrie securities. what you are seeing right now is china trying to depreciate the currency without causing a stampede out of the country. so far, they are managing to achieve that. is it because what is happening with brexit? is it because of what is happening with eurozone are what is happening with japan? the answer is yes. it is all of those things. the environment is more conducive to slow appreciation of roman the -- of the renminbi and avoiding capital flux. as steve just mentioned, he expects officials are on a path of the nine appreciation. >> we can expect a weakening of the yuan. lock -- a lack of outflows [indiscernible] our guests hav
but we talked to claudia for own in the last hour. the dollar.seven to it looks from his perspective they are going to let this thing fly. from earlier this year, we had the depreciation of 6.6. that has long been crossed. so 7 -- what's next, that is the issue right there. yvonne: thank you so much. we have been talking about china and the yen with our guests today. -- at is the head of macquarrie securities. what you are seeing right now is china trying to depreciate the currency without...
Jul 4, 2016
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claudia cowan joins us from los angeles. >> reporter: that's right, leland.t. the juno spacecraft is on a mission to discover how the giant planet came to be. juno was put on auto pilot several days ago. this critical maneuver comes without any help from ground controllers. once it's in orbit, juno will spend the next 20 months helping scientists learn how jupiter formed. they say that could then unlock other mysteries. >> juno is really searching for some hints about our beginnings, how everything started, how did the solar system get started. but these secrets are pretty well-guarded by jupiter. and it's a pretty formidable. so the team, as you would imagine, is incredibly excited with anticipation, mixed with the incredible tension of the reality of what we face. >> reporter: and this is just the last part of juno's 1.7 billion mile journey. it used earth's gravity to sling shot to mars and then jupiter. as part of the billion dollar mission, juno will peer into jupiter's atmosphere and send back close-up images of its poles, that great red spot, and spect
claudia cowan joins us from los angeles. >> reporter: that's right, leland.t. the juno spacecraft is on a mission to discover how the giant planet came to be. juno was put on auto pilot several days ago. this critical maneuver comes without any help from ground controllers. once it's in orbit, juno will spend the next 20 months helping scientists learn how jupiter formed. they say that could then unlock other mysteries. >> juno is really searching for some hints about our...
Jul 3, 2016
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color ultime, developed with claudia schiffer, from schwarzkopf. >>> so at this point, i have no ideaer was. i knew about the show "america's most wanted" so i decided to contact them to see if they were interested in this case. when the show first aired, several tips came in saying that william greer was actually living in new orleans and was working at a deli on bourbon street. so we drive there. we meet one of the tipsters that says greer had been living with him but had moved out two weeks prior. then all of a sudden he just left, and he didn't even pack all of his things. so after i left new orleans, i didn't have any leads as to where william greer was. until "america's most wanted" featured him a second time. >> every time we ran william greer's case, the hotline lit up. the web lit up. and every time, they missed him by that much, but he always was one step ahead of the cops. but the people and the public did the right thing. >> i began receiving tips that greer was now living in georgetown, kentucky. i then coordinated with the local law enforcement in georgetown. they decide
color ultime, developed with claudia schiffer, from schwarzkopf. >>> so at this point, i have no ideaer was. i knew about the show "america's most wanted" so i decided to contact them to see if they were interested in this case. when the show first aired, several tips came in saying that william greer was actually living in new orleans and was working at a deli on bourbon street. so we drive there. we meet one of the tipsters that says greer had been living with him but had...
Jul 14, 2016
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color ultÎme, developed with claudia schiffer. from schwarzkopf. by switching to xfinity x1.how me gymnastics. x1 lets you search by sport, watch nbc's highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. i'm getting ready. are you? x1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversal's coverage of the rio olympic games. call or go online today to switch to x1. >>> other world leads today, venezuela's economy has been collapsing, but in recent weeks, the situation has gotten horrific and dire with starvation and desperation gripping the country. people are waiting in long long lines to buy bare necessary sis. and young lives are on the line with children with illnesses going on treated for days, weeks, and months. we look now at how their economy took a turn for the worse. >> like any mother, she is anxious to be with her son in intensive care, and this mother says it is agony knowing there is much more he needs that she can't give him. >> translator: at this point, things are getting worse and worse. we can't get medical supplies for the baby, or the fo
color ultÎme, developed with claudia schiffer. from schwarzkopf. by switching to xfinity x1.how me gymnastics. x1 lets you search by sport, watch nbc's highlights and catch every live event on your tv with nbc sports live extra. i'm getting ready. are you? x1 will change the way you experience nbcuniversal's coverage of the rio olympic games. call or go online today to switch to x1. >>> other world leads today, venezuela's economy has been collapsing, but in recent weeks, the...
Jul 5, 2016
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claudia is here with all the details. >> reporter: yes, good morning. as you can see we're getting banks moving in two directions. one bank in specific, continues to suffer on the heels of the letter that did come for the need for italy's third largest bank so shed another 10 billion in bad loans, and, of course, the possibility of a capital hike at this point being absolutely needed. the stock is trading at a all time low. worth about 1 billion after this point. this comes after the last three or four years the bank has gone through a ballout. also gone through four different capital hikes worth about 9 billion euros. continuing to be down today after losing 13% points yesterday while the other banks having started in negative territory are now up this morning. yesterday was a tough session for all of them, but also union any credit has helped the other banks benefit from that upgrade. they would need a capital hike, but they are positive and have underlined speculation on a difficult situation here in the italian banks and overall in europe. >> thank
claudia is here with all the details. >> reporter: yes, good morning. as you can see we're getting banks moving in two directions. one bank in specific, continues to suffer on the heels of the letter that did come for the need for italy's third largest bank so shed another 10 billion in bad loans, and, of course, the possibility of a capital hike at this point being absolutely needed. the stock is trading at a all time low. worth about 1 billion after this point. this comes after the last...
Jul 4, 2016
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. >> claudia rourke, a civilian employee, runs the program, which requires students to complete at least hours of training. >> the rest of the prison as you see has different colors of paint on the walls. my favorite colors are pink and purple. i wanted it to be more of a soothing environment, something that's pleasant, might remind them of better times when they were younger or something. and i encourage them to stay ladies and act professional. >> one of rourke's students, mary jones, is nearing the end of a 12-year sentence for aggravated robbery. >> you have all the drama and stuff on the main compound and you walk in here and it's just like a relaxation, but you're learning stuff as you're doing it and as you're learning it, you're helping other inmates when they come down to get services to be relaxed. >> if any one of them can be a success and stay out and change their lives, then i've met what i set out to do, my goal, for these ladies. so when i get those phone calls or get letters with pictures, telling me what they've done and how successful they've become, it just makes me mo
. >> claudia rourke, a civilian employee, runs the program, which requires students to complete at least hours of training. >> the rest of the prison as you see has different colors of paint on the walls. my favorite colors are pink and purple. i wanted it to be more of a soothing environment, something that's pleasant, might remind them of better times when they were younger or something. and i encourage them to stay ladies and act professional. >> one of rourke's students,...