. >> hi, my name is claudia deeg and i am a public health associate at the state-wide interest group and i'm working to get lead out of our drinking water. this is a toxin that has been linked to many health issues. recent testing found lead with the drinking water at over 50% of our schools. currently we follow the federal standard allowing 15 parts per billion in the water, however, this level is extremely outdated. in 2016, the american academy of pediatrics made an official statement that there is no safe level of lead for kids. that is why i want you to adopt a health-based standard. many other areas have taken initiative on that issue. here in san francisco, more than 20 organizations have signed on to a letter, including the california chapter, the american academy of pediatrics, the san francisco families union, and many others. i also want to thank the councilors who have met with me to discuss this issue. i would ask you to protect the kids exposed to lead to adopt the health-based option adopted my doctors. >> the advisory committee reports and appointments. number one, re