claudia flores, department staff. once "the master" plan is adopted certain review projects is consistent with the plan. these thresholds are obtained to use of medical use that is 5,000 square feet or greater. the ordinance uses the planning code definition for medical uses but also generally by health care professional licenses by state board, dentist, physicians, podiatrist and psychiatric services. and the master plan has the exact table with all of the definitions. on july 11th, there were a couple hearings at the health commission and the planning commission to receive public comment. the public comment ran from july 11th to august 22nd. there was comment on the right side is the list of the organization that provided both oral and written comment. the critical needs for guidelines was for the people to identify those guidelines that is meant for those development projects that make them eligible for incentives for entitlement process and all the guidelines are considered critical needs for the city but only cer