(applause) >> claudine chang, [speaker not understood] smith, eric scott. >> good afternoon, ms. chang. >>> good afternoon. claudine chang, [speaker not understood] i'm speaking. i'm someone very concerned about what is happening in north beach today. in january in support of the north beach station and a solution that would provide the kind of transit efficiency for the city, and i'm also in support of having no extractions in north beach. speaking directly to the proposed resolution today, the three appreciatevxeses, preference number 1 is to evaluate option 4 which is a favorite option so far from what i have heard. however, the way that the resolution was written, much has to depend on whether additional environmental review is necessary. and as of today from mr. funge's report or update, it appears that it may be, it may be not. [speaker not understood]. let's put it that way. preference number 2 is option 3, which again, i think has the same environmental review issue that comes to this. the last we saw -- i have the most objections to [speaker not understood] rifkin ha term