to help cleannup the city's waterfront.lieuuenant governor anthony broww is leading the event... being held at masonville cove. it's part of a 22-milliin-dollar projeet... to restore the harbor's ost be replanted with nattve illl trees, shruus and wetland ditionn.. there's more riding on theenovember ballottin marylann... thaa gambling and gay marriage. a ruu ffr the white ouse. 3 ((break 1)) 3 &p((bumm in)) ((2-shot toss to weatter)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 433maa 3955map 40 map 3 3 3 3 coming up... the rrvens pefense was mbarrassed sunday in houston. houston..ow they're pllaning to ffx thhngs... quickly. hht button bbllot iisues... have huge implications for governor o' the november lections... coold impact his future in politics. ((breek 2)) stephanie rawlings-blake: voting for question seven is an... incredible opportunity for baltimore. jim smith: question seven will bring table games like... blackjack and poker to baltimore. stephanie rawlings-blake: you're talking about 500 new jobs. ken ulman: and increased tourism will mean