. >> you're muted, ken. >> commissioner cleaveland: sorry.an you hear me now, madam president? >> president covington:um h. >> commissioner cleaveland: thank you, commander tillman, for your report. you say you have 152 members of your department. how many of those are members of the black firefighters association? >> 110. >> commissioner cleaveland: 110. do they have to pay dues? >> yes, sir. >> commissioner cleaveland: how much are they? >> well, every group pays dues. whether you're in asian firefighters, hispanic, los bomberos, you pay dues. but we're the only one with a building, and we have to upkeep the facilities. under my presidency, that's been kind of the big thing for me. new paint job, new back stairs. we have rot, new bathroom. just making it more presentable to not only the youth that use that building, but to the neighborhood. now we have a big firefighter on the building, and other firefighters from other departments come by to take a picture because it's about two stories, so yeah, it's awesome. our dues are a little bit les