not apply the cleburne factors. davis and scarbrough didn't have to address really the standard of scrutiny because, you know, they decided for the plaintiffs on other grounds. the majority in lawrence through justice kennedy referring to the authors of the equal protection clause and due process clause wrote that they knew that, quote, times can blind us to certain truths. and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper serve, in fact, only to oppress. in our case as well, we should remember that over the course of history on occasion we as a society have lost our footing. and our humanity. and eventually we right ourselves most often through the federal courts. the united states constitution gives us a backbone and a load star in an ever-changing society. it was written for all citizens, for all time. it's simple. it's genius. it's dynamic and most of all it's humane. it can and must be interpreted to acknowledge a changing society. and an emerging recognition that some laws do discrimina