. >> we arere seeinincreases, cleearly, in certain k kinds of illnesses. . asthma is one. autism is another. adhd is a third. >> one out of every third child born today is going to have diabetes. and if you're a minority, it''s one out of tw. >> chemicals contribute to the incidence of leukemia. >> breast cancer, infertility. >> alzheimer's, parkinsoson's. >> people are more obese or higher weight than they were 10 to 20 years ago. >> childhdhood cancers aree going up. >> we're seeing effects on sperm count in men. um, the catch line is, you know, memen today are not the men their grandfdfathers were. >> there are more of these bizarre birth defects, particularly around male reproductive development. >> if i i were a parent..... i would be very concerned. >> they were meant to make life easier, and they do. >> better things for better living through chemistry. >> chememicals fight disease, bolster food production, and support manufacturing. they're big business, a keystone of the u.s. economy. from consumer goods to high technology, almost all aspects of m modern life depe