they didn't really want to -- karl rove was ordering up these ads showing max cleland, three part amputee out of vietnam, showing his picture next to saddam hussein -- no, to bin laden or saddam hussein was defeated. these people were playing tough. people didn't feel they wanted to go at it then. so snowden does it later. oh, shock, horror. it had really been there. there was more detail. this is why we can't answer your question, ruth, because context is everything. when this was going on, a great mentor of mine, he said the next >> they will be very ivy league looking, very respectable. they won't be these kinds of thugs that we were seeing. it will be different. i'm not as discouraged. as marvelous as your books are, we can't wait for them. i think, with hillary clinton, for example, i mean, carl does a great book. but people sort of got onto her in 2008. i mean, you know, people pick it up. they smell things. it's happening now. so you can't always get at everything. but there's a lot of stuff that gets out into the atmosphere. and if it's defined in a sfonsble way, which a lot isn't