this comes after they raised another $1.2 billion in a round led the fidelity and clement perkins and blackrock and others. financing to expand its operations. today marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most popular ego wass ever -- tetris designed by a russian scientist who worked in a soviet computer lab when he came up with a puzzle game. the game has millions of paid mobile downloads and is on 50 different platforms. to the lead story of the day, the fcc created creating internet fast lanes,, netflix has no plans to back down and is fighting with verizon over internet speeds. some say netflix will continue to display on screen messages and blaming internet providers for slow-moving videos. this comes after verizon sent netflix a cease and desist letter, demanding they stop displaying the message blaming arises credit network for the videos loading slowly. -- verizon lawyer wrote there is no basis to assert that issues with respect to playback of any particular video session are such available slowly -- solely to verizon. we have jon erlichman in los angeles. is this really ver