when winston churchill proposed to clementine churchill, he said, we may not always be happy, but we'llfigure out what's the way forward here. i think one idea i would offer is perhaps the lesson of the last ten years, and it's been ten years now since donald trump has been the central political force. a lot of people have defined themselves in favor of him. a lot of people have defined themselves against him, but he has been the constant in the same way we had the age of jackson and the age of roosevelt, we may someday talk about this era as the age of trump. and i think that historians may end up debating that for a long time. it seems to me the way forward is to assess not only what he says, but what he does, and then speak your mind with a certain measure of grace, because we're all called on to do that. but don't be intimidated from speaking truth because of the result of a single election. that, to me is democracy, lowercase d inaction. and i think a lot of people are preemptively surrendering, surrendering their agency, putting very narrow interests ahead of what i would think of