who is this canine clepto, a siberian husky, 10 years old, his motive, grab it and growl with intentted treats, hamburger buns, dog bones and the highly coveted pig ear. why'd you do it? did you have an aol buy? why do you shoplift? was your mom your accomplice? why does he shoplift, holly? >> i think he's bored. i really think he's bored. >> fess up, you're not starving him. >> no, i'm not. he will eat five times a day if i'd let him. >> there's conspiracy theories out there that you guys are in on this together. >> well, i wouldn't want dog treats. give me something good at least. >> explain how he does it? >> he bolts out the door if the kids are here, he'll push them out of the way to get out. he'll take off and then he'll be gone for hours. i know he's gone to ingalls and bellows and gone to pizza hut. when i start to chase him he'll look back at me and smile and looks like he's laughing to himself and keeps going further. >> casing out his next joint, waiting for that door to open, and pouncing on his next pig ear. when we return, find out what happens when a potty becomes too