and cleto, i have to say cleto, cleto sr. cleto's mom sylvia, cleto sr.'wife sylvia, who's like a second mother to me, never has any human being ever texted more praying hands emojis to another human being than cleto's mom did to me. i had to upgrade my phone just to handle them all. [ laughter ] so thank you, sylvia. and most of all i want to thank my wife, molly. first of all for allowing me to have sex with her in the first place. [ laughter ] that was huge right there. [ applause ] so few have done that. but also for being so strong and levelheaded and positive and nightmare a new mother could experience. i couldn't ask for a better partner. i'm so happy we had this baby together. i'm definitely getting a vasectomy after this. [ laughter ] and i want to say one other thing. president trump last month proposed a $6 billion cut in funding to the national institute of health. and thank god our congressmen made a deal last night to not go along with that. they actually increased funding by $2 billion. and i applaud them for doing that. [ cheers and applaus