chairperson chu: clf stands for community living fund and hsc is what? >> that is a special fund to provide housing-related services. further narrowing down our general fund, where does it go? you can see the bulk of it goes to housing and homeless services, 36%, with the second largest area being cap, and then office on aging. when i walked through the proposed reductions, they largely come in those three areas. we simply do not have a lot of options. when you start looking at the general fund and other categories, that is where you start leaving federal and state money on the table. we will talk about how we leverage dollars to those programs. family and human services, if you eliminate one child welfare worker, you will save about 60 cents on the dollar. the other problem that creates an, and you see this in counties across california -- as you start eliminating staff in those areas, the start leaving state and federal money on the table. in subsequent years, the allocations from the state get reduced, the allocations for the budget year and a budget