. >> reporter: and cliff kupchan of the eurasia group says the clinton trip was designed to make clear to iran's neighbors they are not alone. >> secretary clinton was out to send several messages. first, that we're there for gulf allies in face of threat with iran. second, trying to firm up support among allies for sanctions. if these sanctions are going to work, there can't be leakage. >> reporter: the u.s. may be picking up new support on the question of sanctions. this week, france and russia joined washington in a letter to the i.a.e.a. they questioned iran's claim that it wants enriched uranium solely for medical use. the eurasia group's kupchan says russia-- and other countries-- are beginning to lean toward new penalties on iran. >> i think the russians are likely to support targeted sanctions and may support trade related sanctions against iran. that's different policy than a year ago. >> reporter: but iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad warned tuesday that those who try to impose sanctions will live to regret it. and gregory schulte-- the former diplomat-- says arab leaders