my name is clifford cain and i'm a resident owner of museum park for 19 years. i'm also the president of the museum park board of directors and also a member of the museum park master owners association. and i'm here representing the homeowners and the 92 residents who signed the petition and i think you have a copy of the petition, there's 92 signatures from museum park residents supporting vikki hart's appeal to implement a comprehensive acoustical plan and use restrictions on the proposed office space. this past weekend i was reading a new york times article that described office inhabitants as free range humans. an office occupied from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. is a definition of an office. nowhere are cutting edge more prevalent than soma. i would hope that the owners of 725 - 727 folsom would recognize this while at the same time be mindful they operate in a primarily residential mixed use building. if the owners want to take advantage of today's definition of office space, they should, we feel they should overcompensate by minimizing and mitigating any poten