one of the men who who received the medal of honor yes clint romesha a but the story is about everyone who was there and everyone. who sacrificed because certain guys you know received medals and certain people didn't but they were all there just the same and that camaraderie that you speak about is what kept them together what kept them alive what kept them or pushed them to to it in the face of almost certain death. to really say. that we're going to win. tell me who are coming the rudiments for story itself the battle itself we're talking about 50 men i assume and a world class hall way up there and tell me my client or tell me i'm usually we're just making rational medal of honor when are we i've met the code of hiring is still alive but usually it's it's to seems tell us the story of clanton the other man. sure. but never met actually but i've spoken to on the phone. he is a very humble man he is. and you know i've read this book extensively. see is that he's a man who. it at the very core doesn't believe he's better than anyone he believes he's you know his job and his. part in t