joining me live from boston, former fbi profiler clint van zandt. good morning to you, clint. >> hi, alex. >> so, how could erin andrews or any other high profile stalking victim have avoided this crude invasion her privacy? i mean, should people have to think that way? >> should we have to, no. do we have to, yes. number one, she registered under her true name. if you're a celebrity, getting inappropriate e-mails, anything like that, don't use your true name. this guy who used an alias himself allegedly when he was out stalking her, called up dozens of different hotels in a town trying to find her, found out where she was registered to stay, and then got into the room right next to her. had she used an alias, susan smith, something like that, who knows, he wouldn't have been able to find her, number one. number two, stay in a different room, a different hotel. don't set up a pattern where somebody can follow you. if you get in inappropriate e-mails, realize that most of the time, somebody in the first letter they identify themselves. if they don't g