. >>> clint van zandt is an nbc news analyst and former fbi profiler.d morning to you. >> hi, savannah. happy thanksgiving. investigators say this necklace may provide a clue. is this a good tactic? >> it really is. when we see a piece of jewelry like that connected to a victim, if she was actually a kidnap victim, one of three things may have happened to it. obviously, she could still have it. but number one, if it was stolen, it could be by the assailant, who is going to pawn it, try to get rid of it for money. or he may hold onto it as a trophy, something that reminds him of this terrible act he may have committed, and, number three, savannah this is the gift giving time. many times we'll see an offender steal a piece of jewelry like that and give it to somebody else. a girlfriend, wife, mother. when they see that person wear it, it helps them relive the crime they actually committed. for the police, finding that could lead to the disappearance of this woman. >> as we know, she disappeared within hours of the airing of this episode of "the people's c