okay item 3 the boards consideration of its minutes for the november 24, 2015, clirgz additions, deletions, or changes if not may i have a motion to approve. >> so moved. >> okay. thank you we have a motion from the vice president to adopt the minutes any public comment? on the minutes seeing none, we'll call the roll commissioner fung commissioner hyland's commissioner wilson commissioner swig thank you that that motion carries 4 to zero item 4 the jurisdiction request at 26 avenue that's been withdrawn and not be heard tonight we'll move on to item 5 the appeal william cop and barbara smith sign beggar the property on protesting the issuance on april 30th to chang of an alteration permit for temporary storing this was held in 2015 and anyone for fallout consideration the matter was continued to allow times for party to allow time for the settlement i see we have council for the appellant we have anyone representing the permit holder i had a conversation with mr. sanchez if we again center that we'll show up here he expect him that was the last directive from his i'm going to proceed with