s follows -- stocks ended with modest posses in a choppy tradiig session.the dow fell 53 pointt to cllse1,493.the nasdaq and s nd p 500 also closed down.the u-sseconomy wasn't as strong as originally thought in the thhrd quarter. gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic output, grew at a 2-percent annual rate between july and september. that's down from the two-and-a-half percent iiitially reported by the commerce department. despite the downward revision, the third quarter was the strongest of the year.heads up holiday shoppers. two u-s malls will track your movements thissholiday season by monitoring signals from yourrcell phone. shoppers at promenade temecula in southern california and short pump town center in riccmond, virginia will be followed to see what stores they viiit and what stores they don't. mall management says no personal information is being gathered. consumers who don't want to bb tracked can simply turn off use your remaining sick days pefore the end of the year -- even though you aren't really sick -- you probabby aren't alone. from 2006 to 2000, the