unless you think i'm a clonewn, i won't get on the floor and spin. know what i'm about to tell you is worth hearing. most plans take part of the 401 k plan and usually that contribution is automatic taken out of your paycheck so every month you plow in 1/12th of your annual contribution. people will tell you to leave this alone and passively invest your money like do it over time. i am not one of them. why not? because there will be times when the market takes a hit, a big hit, a nasty hit and i think you want to be able to capitalize on that in your 401 k. why would you contribute the same amount every month? would you want to invest the same when the market is near a top to a bottom? no. here is how you can take advantage of a big decline in the market. when you have a real long-time rise. it's really simple. whenever you get a 10% decline in the s&p what some people would call a real honest correction, you got to double down in your contribution. that month you put in twice your normal 401 k contribution meaning 1/6th of who you plan to invest ove