well, if that's the case, then why would you use clorets, right? now, can a dog tell who you are by-- dog can tell even in the dark, yeah? when you breathe the atoms out, you're breathing some of those out-- the molecules now, right? you got--molecules, right? collection of atoms. now when you-- every time you breathe out, guess who's going outside? guess. yourself. part of you is going out, honey. a dog can pick it up, right? even some--"harry's home," you know? [laughter] yeah. it turns out, every time you breathe, you're breathing out a part of you. now when you're breathing out part of you, there's a part of you going all up through-- someone comes by-- now, what do they got? a part of you. and that becomes part of them. so you are a part of them. are they part of you? let's--"i don't want anyone else to be a part of me. i wanna be my own scene," right? you can't do it, 'cause every time you breathe in air, you're breathing atoms that were exhaled by someone else. now, how many other people? we're gonna be learning things like this. hey, dig th