club nik not one of about a one of what we would have group as a red mullet tigress and so on. yeah well the saudi has become a group. maybe god will provide another way of living. but fishing is no longer profitable. and when i would go fishing alone. i'd catch a fish to ten group has. i made a profit and had no troubles. i saw myself but now he was i get a headache. and i need some aspirin which costs a hundred francs. that's not going to i will ask for help will borrow the money. but when the ships are here we're going to get everyone in the business us problems but as you say molest us when we share the same area in the sea and they destroy our nets. you know how many boxes of fish if you cost like you know four boxes of fifty kilo as each of them and not thinking how much would you sell them for i don't mean i want fourteen thousand francs about twenty one euro's for each box. i want but it's barely enough for the fuel it's not. they know no limits. they do whatever they want at sea we see the fish there. but we can't catch them because of the foreign ships. that we will s