. -- cmap lejune. >> they have august he skated -- obfuscated the facts. they have eliminated a lot of information to the media. if they were to sit down now with me face to face, i could show them with their own documents and counter what they have been saying. they do not want to do that. >> more tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> joining us on "newsmakers" is the chairman of the republican study committee. have the chief congressional reporter for the congressional reporter and the compressional newspaper. we will be discussing the budget plan by paul ryan and won by our guest jim jordan. >> it is good to be with you. you have announced he will be supporting the ryan budget. you are also pushing the republican study committee budget. why the need for that? what is wrong with the ryan budget? >> there is nothing good about his budget, particularly the policy statements or they have incorporated ideas that have -- there are good things in his budget, particularly the policy statements where they have incorporated ideas from us. there are a lot of good things in