we want you to continue to watch what we do at cmb, watch what we track, request reports from us on women and the status of their businesses. this is what we do. we want small business to help us in making sure that when we have all this opportunity this city is abundant with opportunity yet we're not always able to receive that for these businesses because one, no funding. two, private development. we can have an agreement but there is no real participation after that, so help us with this, and make recommendation and direct us to do a better job. you can help us with the departments. they shy away from this and use the tools that are there and the micro set aside program was talked about and it can help businesses that are women, small and local business to have an opportunity with the city. it's not often used. i have been watching the city opportunity list and within five days i saw five projects under $50,000. should have been set aside. was not but it was public advertised and then they used key words like "mandatory [inaudible] meeting." now that's a barrier for some of our busines