. -- we havee, cminus the -- we have, minus the changing of the age requirement. chairperson nolan: why don't we hear the speakers. >> starting with [unintelligible] chris fulkerson, [unintelligible] charles rathbone. >> first of all, and want to complain in the strongest possible terms about the sheer number of items. this is a good example of what i was talking about earlier. there is too much to say. these items merit closer discussion than the two minutes or so you can give. i understand that director hiashi need to get things done, but the same complaint. i want to make sure it is understood that i believe it is extremely evil to make people pay a quarter of a million dollars for low-income jobs. that said, the dates and gas requirement -- gate and gas requirement makes sense. you are participating in banking when you make a requirement like that. there is something else going on at the end of the duration that is not being discussed. that is that these bankers are offering balloon payment loans. you can find a home for $0.25 million. such a loan is illegal.