and it was really symptoms of the type of leukemia i have which is called cml.eing able to give other cml patients some encouragement and give them an idea that they are not alone, and that they can treat their condition and survive it is very important, so that's why i am partnering with them has been very poimportant to me, becauset has enabled me to live my life to the fullest. i have thought about my own mortality a number of times especially since i was diagnosed with leukemia, and all of a sudden you realize there's a clock up there with your name on it and it's ticking. >> what would your day be like without the drug? >> i have to take my medication every day and i have to see my doctor and consult with him a couple times a year, four times a year, and i get my blood tested to make sure the goals that we are trying to achieve are being met. >> but if that drug was not there, what would it be like? >> if that drug was not there, i probably would have had to undergo bone marrow transplant or something of that nature to try and lick it. >> it seems that we h