when congress privatized the cmp, we made clear that it would need to be self-sufficient. if the excellent private training programs offered by entities like the nra have obviated need for a government-subsidized alternative, then i'm happy to yield to that ingenuity of the private sector. and i'm particularly happy to do so if it does not involve injecting 100,000 additional handguns into our streets. i oppose this amendment, and i yield back. chair recognizes the subcommittee chair mr. whitman. >> mr. chairman, i just wanted to highlight that this is a transference not to individuals but it's transference to the corporation for the promotion of rifle practice and firearm safety also known as the civilian marksmanship program. this is really to promote firearm safety. i think it's a very reasonable and thoughtful way to make sure that those firearms that now are sitting idol can actually be put to a good purpose a purpose i think all of us should agree on and that is firearm safety to make sure people can learn the proper handling and safety of those firearms, including h