as you know cmpc when they got their agreement done for the new hospital it mandated a visioning process to be run for the redevelopment of this site in the future. that involved a visionary committee of the four 2345eurbd groups from laurel heights and jordan pacific and sacramento street merchants and laurel village merchants and planning staff and the district supervisor staff. and we ran a series of quarterly visioning advisory committee meetings. i'll take you through the highlights of those meetings in a minute. and we ran a survey through the neighborhood associations and got back community preferences for strong preference for family housing, a strong preference for whatever was built here would fit into the neighborhood context. and that they really cared about the honest process. they felt they hadn't had an honest process in the past. we held numerous stakeholder meetings. we held meetings with the neighborhood associations. probably in excess of 40 in-home meetings with various neighbors who couldn't attend and other meetings. and then a community open house. ultimately we su