under our the the guidance of our senior fellow for middle east policy at cnp, we're thrilled to have this very important program, arguably one of the most important programs we've had given the the events in egypt. the center for national policy has been dealing with foreign policy and defense matters, and for nearly three decades our previous leaders, including my predecessor, leon panetta, ambassador tim roemer, ambassador to india, and a little bit before that in the '90s and '80s, madeleine albright was our president, ed musgee, our chairman. secretary panetta will be honoring secretary panetta on june 21st with a dinner. but today's event is all about egypt. we couldn't have a greater expert than greg. greg's background is in academia, on capitol hill, and at the state department. the state department, he's been an expert for decades, recognized through his publications and his advice on capitol hill, an adviser to the most important legislators, paul sarbanes, chris van holland, ted kennedy. in academiacademia, he has a professorship at the university of massachusetts, lowell,