we spoke to the catalina who is navarro, who is an activist and director of volcanic coast magazine, a digital publication. she says president, chime bomb has talked to her election promises in the 1st 100 days. still, you know, seeing bubbles, government is counter tendency from what we're seeing in the region that is starting to more conservative outdoors. daria and regina and governments and, well, all kinds of that. and she's a woman with a more progressive agenda. i think that in this 100 days there have been no surprises. and i say this is a good thing because she's not a non predictable leader. she's very committed to that project that her party has. um, and this is what she's, she's doing what she said she was going to do this comp. this it's good and bad because they are parts of the motor nose project that are very problematic because a lot of power they're giving to the military. that is very concerning. the judiciary reform, or the people can elected judges to popular abroad and that can open a gateway for anti rights movements. uh to, to take back some policies for doubl