.// of feces.ble..cockroachhe-3 feces. ttiple-a... mid-atlantii... caught wind...eland security threets..we have the chief saying she needs to have aal hands on deck to deal with it..and they've got time to arrest mother's with their babiessin the backseat for having exppred tags..excuse me?? me?"some lawmakers.../ are... taking the issue... to capitollhill.../ saying.../// this... is tto much...// citizens... whose áonlyá offense.,../ herees.../ our... question of he day...///ááshouudáá &p motorisss... be go... to ...fox- paltiiore dot ccmm../ . áátelláá us... whattyou think.../. áásounddá off... thrr facebook.../. áásendááá us... a tweet.../// ááwatcháá your responses tonight.../ at 0. how ... are... the rrads looking tonight? tonight? brandi proctor has our traffic edgeereport. rates.../ ave fallen... to.../ lows! for the first time sincee 19-71, interest rates have fallen below four ercent! rates to a poor hoosing wer market. 5224 several years ago rates were in the mid sixes and now peing into the high 3s, so ouu interest rates as much as people's 40ks 34 34bu