my favorite quote is by coco chanel, and, "it's to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." and that was my high school quote in my yearbook. i clenched onto it so hard because that was the moment i realized, my differences are the reason why i am an athlete. sports was that physical thing that was really able to show me what my body could do still. all right, yeah, you can go left three. i would describe oksana as very fierce. she is an unbelievable athlete. she's really detail-oriented, an incredibly hard worker. she will not give up. narrator: oksana masters is an athletic anomaly. commentator: oksana masters of the united states is about to win the gold medal in the road race. i've competed in the paralympic games in rowing, cross-country skiing, biathlon, and cycling. narrator: appearing in five paralympic games playing four different sports, she is one of the most decorated paralympians with four gold, three silver, and three bronze medals. i do not see myself going on to do multiple different sports. i had no idea that even existed for me. and her journey isn't over.