we have those. , cofounderbiz stone of twitter after this break. ♪ >> welcome back.ly chang. i'm here with biz stone, the cofounder of twitter and jelly. he is the author of a new book. i want to talk to you about twitter. they rolled out a big redesign. images are bigger. people say it looks more like facebook. >> mine is not updated yet. >> that's funny. >> it comes from a high level. it is great. that is the most important thing. it is difficult for a publicly traded company to be bold and make changes. that is what you have to do in this business. i applaud them for that. there may be many more changes to come. from my perspective, i am looking at twitter in decades. i think that i will have every confidence that twitter will be a timeless company was enduring value. in order to do that, there is a lot of work ahead. that involves making big changes when necessary. >> i talk to dick costolo about what they are working on. some people say that twitter is .till more of the niche product it will not be as big as facebook. >> i think it will be really big. twitterend