because i was able to legally access abortion, i want to cut -- commanend supervisor cohen fr her belief and my moral angency. it means more to me -- agency. it means more to meeting you will ever know. you're not interested in my health, and you have never made any sizable investments in my health when you lie about breast cancer and when you attempt to claim the abortion, israel. you manipulate and you live. this is antithetical to public health. please continue working with reproductive rights activists in the city to find solutions to reaffirm this city's believe in women's moral agency and the right to decide their life. thank you. president chiu: i want to remind folks that we have public comment related to every piece of legislation that we have, often times we have several times of public comment. once an item has been voted on, and we can't allow public comment after the fact. we have already voted on this item having to do with false advertising and around a certain centers of the city. individuals that wish to speak on the issue of choice, you're more than welcome to do it as