coke recently. also a dividend payer like boeing, 2.5%. more recently, philip morris has sold off a bit. i see these as potential canaries in the coal mine. where this defensive dividend paying trade coming undone. it makes me nervous to be honest with you. >> i agree that that is not the place to be. i think names like verizon, prock-to-& gamble, walmart, are the safety trades, not boeing. which is growing about 10% a year. >> i like the company with mike but i hate the stock. they had a bunch of 787s cancelled this week. they are tied to asia and tied to the dollar. i just don't think the stock will go anywhere. i think mike is right on, just buy a call. you don't have to get too fancy in a low-volatility name. >> carter jump in? >> one of the most important think it's healthy when you have names too far too fast like coke philip morris, to have money come out of them. found its way back into other cycles of things. when rotation happens it's not a bad thing it's a good thing and people taking profits and putting more risk on cyclical things. >> tie a nice yellow ribbon on this. one mo