here to talk about it all, cokie roberts. our friend, cokie roberts. on "drop dead diva." >> how much fun? >> it was great to be mean. i don't want to say i end up with a heart of gold. maybe i do. >> we'll talk about that more in our next half our, as well. let's start with wikipedia. 92,000 documents. this holds back to the pentagon papers of vietnam. >> it holds in the sense that it is going to consolidate exception to the war. as you know, george, the president has enough problems right now. and this election has turned into a base election. he needs to get democrats out. and he needs to get democrats excited. this is not going to work for them. >> no. but it seems like no one's xipted about the war in afghanistan right now. >> no one's ever been excited about the war in afghanistan. it looks like the war impossible to win. and also, it's not just president obama, but george w. bush. they've had similar policies, it seems like, through the years. we can't blame just obama with this. >> that's one of the things the white house tried to say in defens