six of seven additions are from the museum permanent col lection. in the course of research and being in touch with scholars to run across a collector who had the edition we did not have. it was a known edition, reviewed by scholars and part of the historic record, but we did not happen to have one. and that is the 3:30 edition. we were able to and the exhibit just as the "new york herald" ended it, thanks to a loan from a collector of the 3:30 edition. few the course of the seven editions that cover the 18 hours immediately following the shooting, it carries you through those hours so that you understand the key strokes of history which we full comprehend today but with much morey nuanced detail along the way that there was a trip to the theater. there was the shooting, the death, a new president was installed, and funeral preparations were in order. one of the things that i hope people comprehend as they move through the exhibit is that they get the understanding of how people at the time were getting news. this is really a moment in time where ev