> remember that song from the -- >> remember that tune from the 1970s, you all remember, the pina coladaing caught in the rain. he is going to go meet the other chick an that's hs wife. that is a cute little song. the dude was cheating. and it is not a new problem. internet -- by the way, guess who else was cheating? his wife. she had an ad too. >> that's the interesting thing. you look at the prevalence of infid infidelity, whether by virtue of electronic infidelity or physical infidelity and interestingly at the same time, if you do polling, the moral acceptability of infidelity is really low. 91% of people polled in the gullup, 91% of people, it is an abomination. it should not be tolerated. it should be punished. 7% think it is okay. now, forget it, right? so meanwhile, 6% of the same people believe divorce is acceptable. morally. 15%, more than double, believe that suicide is morally correct. in other words, two times as many people believe killing yourself is more morally appropriate act than infidelity. >> the divorce right rait in this country 53%. i would like to suggest in fron