colby king, do you think barack obama successfully comforted the nation wednesday? >> he covered addition to speaking to the nation, but he spoke for the nation also speaking to tuscon, suffering through the terrible tragedy, and he cast the holding where it belongs, on the problems of an iindividual out there, and not the finger-pointing and point scoring that took place that was really unseemly prior to wednesday. >> charles krauthammer? >> i think the president probably put an end to that school is in no that was started in the mainstream press, particularly -- scurrilous and innuendo that was started in the mainstream press, particularly "the new york times," and his allies on the left, that this was a product of the political right. president obama refuted that, which was healthy, but it was a scandal what happened in the four days between the attack and the president's speech of this unwarranted and obvious to discredit -- obviously discredited attacks that made it glenn beck and sarah palin accessories to a series of murders of which they had nothing to do. >