. >> colin clark, mr. secretary, pratt whitney is talking about a pbl for the f-135.xactly online -- >> give me one day off. one day of off. ask a logistics question. >> it's a pbl, it's logistics. >> come on. just one day. >> kevin green from ibm. dr. carter, you mentioned a large infusion of additional isr sensors and platforms. could you describe the department's intention to invest in the kind of data management and analytics capabilities that will allow that increased amount of data to be formed into actionable streams of information? >>> it's a huge issue. it's one those for want o of a nail things. it's no point putting an air nail there if you don't have the ramp space, you have to get the cement for the ramp space and then you have to have the analysts, you have to have the bandwidth, the processing capability. you have to ask yourselves questions like the one you just asked. who actually needs this information. for one of those aerostats that i described, that data doesn't have to go all over afghanistan, it doesn't have to go back to washington. it's feed b