because it's a nuclear power that has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, according to colin cowel, correct? shouldn't us conpal that? i i'm not going to speak to this particular traffic and i'm certainly nuclear weapons, i'm certainly not going to discuss matters of intelligence from the from the podium, i'm not, i have no, i have no comment. who is it who is assaulting and taking food out of the mouths of the children of public workers in this state right now? is it the occupy wall street activists? no, no. the occupy wall street movement is movement about stopping the grinding wheels of repression right now and stopping this attack on all working people in this country. every human being has a dream and every dream has fate. some dreams a company one. till death, and some only for moments that just tickle him, but he will soon forget. our dreams sometimes are like others have, but they may hate it or at least be indifferent towards it. sometimes it is like something that we own and we are not aware of, and sometimes it does not exist, and we have just thought that others have. "