to show that they are true stories as opposed to efficient and the colin doyle scholars are those who recognize colin doyle as the author and creator of sherlock holmes canon as well as other books, and are his scholars. the thing that was interesting about the richard lindzen green the protagonist was found dead. he was one of the few that went back and forth between both groups. he was by something, yes. >> what i wanted to ask you is is -- he writes about the search for this lost city in the amazon and he talks about one person who he met in the '90s i think his name is james lynch i think and what he says is that he was drawn into intellectual as well as physical quest in order to delineate some little known aspects of the world so it seems to me the difference or the similarities is yours to sort of the physical trail of people and you are doing that same kind of intellectual trail of people so what do you think about and how do you think of yourself as a reporter/detective? >> my method means i can write my stories in my apartment and david has to go to the amazon. [laughter] i