. >> my name is colin godder. years ago when i was in college i survived the shooting at virginia tech and received four gunshots, different parts of my body. years later i've turned into an advocate and activist for background checks on all gun sales. >> my healing process is finished. now it's time to uplift. now it's time to go to other communities that are affected by this. >> i think what happened at virginia tech was not just a failure of gun policy but school policy and mental health policy. this was someone who was told to get therapy. he needed out patient therapy but he was never followed up with. instead of getting therapy he got a glock and a .22 and came on our campus with a couple hundred rounds. coming together we can find good from evil. we can create a lasting memory of those who came before us and make things safer for the next generation. thank you very much. >> when this person came in here and attacked us, he wanted to start a war. he wanted to ignite a flame of racism and bigotry. it could ha