joining us live now to explain why is colin zarnecki, a researcher with chamber of commerce .org. colin, thanks for your time. >> thank you so much for having me appreciate it. yeah your website commissioned this study, right? >> why did you guys do it? >> sure. >> you know, especially right now for anyone who's gotten used to working from home over the last several years, return to office mandates are becoming quite common. so the study might not sit too well with with them. but we wanted to take a closer look at the real cost of commuting and put a price tag on that average daily commute and yearly cost as well. >> all right. so you looked at a lot of cities, right? how many exactly. exactly >> exactly. yeah. we looked at the most populated 170 cities across the country. and like you said, san francisco top the list. >> in fact, let's see it. we've got a map of that you can see across the country. we do pay a throughhis. in addition to sans francisco to otheray area cities are in that top ten. >> yeah, the bay area really dominad this this list of top ten. >> and like you said sp